Former John Brown's shipyard, Clydebank2301 views
Dumbarton Castle1994 views
Dumbarton Rock & Castle1474 views
Craigend Castle, Mugdock Country Park1291 views
Mugdock Castle1180 views
John Logie Baird memorial, Helensburgh1258 views
Balloch Castle936 views
Splendid desolation, John Brown's shipyard, 20041471 views
Looking up river from Dumbarton782 views
North Western panoramic view from the top of Dumbarton Rock684 views
Looking up river from the lower Battlements of Dumbarton Castle566 views
Rhu Church687 views
Pipers Piping, Levengrove Park, Dumbarton1453 views
Frisky Wharf, Bowling371 views
Bowling Harbour reflection346 views
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