The Neilston WebCam Photo Gallery

A personal photographic tour of Scotland
Home > All Our Yesterdays

8mm Cine Film


This Album contains a selection of very short 8mm Colour Cine film clips made by my late Father in the 1950's and 60's. To view these requireds a modern HTML5 compliant browser. The files are encoded in MP4 format.

18 files, last one added on Feb 06, 2022
Album viewed 6991 times

Glasgow Garden Festival 1988


The Glasgow Garden Festival was held in 1988 on an area of former dockland in the centre of the city. It lasted all summer and almost everything was removed at the end before the land was redeveloped for new uses. It was a bit like the Empire exhibitions of days gone by, it was a celebration of everything Scottish with a gardening theme and something that is still fondly remembered by anyone who visited it.

46 files, last one added on Aug 09, 2020
Album viewed 239 times

Around Scotland 1974-1999


Photographs taken around Scotland from the 1970's up until about 1999 on mostly 35mm film but also a few other formats.

42 files, last one added on Mar 23, 2021
Album viewed 191 times

Oslo 1988


A few random Photographs taken in Oslo City Centre during an alledged "busines trip" in 1988.

7 files, last one added on Aug 13, 2020
Album viewed 144 times

Anchorage Airport, Alaska, 1989


A few photos tkaen in 1985 and 1986 during refueling stops on flights to Tokyo. I believe you can now get non-stop flights from London to Tokyo that fly over the pole.

8 files, last one added on Aug 16, 2020
Album viewed 150 times

Tokyo, 1985/86


Yet another "Jolly" from a company I worked for in another life, I didn't complain though.

26 files, last one added on Aug 29, 2020
Album viewed 185 times

Around England and Wales, 1975 to 1999


Photographs taken around England and Wales between 1975 and about 1999. They are mostly 35mm film and a few other formats

72 files, last one added on Oct 29, 2021
Album viewed 178 times

Canada 1989


A few photographs taken on a one day visit to Canada from the US back around April 1989.

12 files, last one added on Sep 11, 2020
Album viewed 148 times

Pennsylvania & New Jersey 1989


35mm Photographs taken around New Jersey and Pennsylvania in 1989.

36 files, last one added on Oct 13, 2020
Album viewed 193 times

New York City, 1989


Views around New York City, taken around May 1989 on 35mm film.

30 files, last one added on Nov 05, 2020
Album viewed 176 times

The Royal International Air Tatoo, 1993


The International Air Tatoo is held every summer at RAF Fairford in England. It describes itself as the world's greatest airshow You'll see military aircraft from every corner of the world. The photographs in this album were all taken on the 24th July 1993, the year that two MIG-29 demonstrator aircraft collided mid-air. Lucky both pilots ejected safely and the aircraft crashed well away from spectators. All the aircraft seen here well still in service in 1993.

60 files, last one added on May 14, 2021
Album viewed 155 times


11 albums on 1 page(s)

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F3 Demon, USS Intrepid, 198940 views

Last additions - All Our Yesterdays
Dalek Invasion, Barrhead, 1964, 8mm Colour Cine film33 viewsFeb 06, 2022
The Iron Bridge, Ironbridge, England, 199437 viewsOct 29, 2021
The Roman Baths, Bath, England, 199427 viewsOct 29, 2021
Plymouth, England, 199427 viewsOct 27, 2021
Plymouth, 199431 viewsOct 25, 2021